Ubuntu 自訂應用程式捷徑

一般來說,在 Ubuntu 裡安裝軟體時,完成後我們可以在應用程式列表之類的地方看到,點一下該軟體的圖示就可以開啟。不過即使用了一陣子,還是有一些 windows 上軟體是很難被取代的,至少對我來說 foobar2000 與 mp3tag 就是難以替代。倒也不是說 foobar2000 的音質多好還是怎樣的,只是它類似 itunes 的音樂管理方式實在太好用,而對於音樂檔的 tag 編輯,Linux 中是有個 easytag,用了一陣子還是覺得沒有 mp3tag 來得方便穩定。所幸這兩個軟體相容於 Linux Wine 的環境,用 Wine 來跑幾乎是沒有什麼問題,非常的順暢。

即然這些軟體是用 Wine 來跑,表示它們的安裝並不是使用 Ubuntu 的 deb 或是其它的常規方法,通常是使用 Wine 去執行它們的 exe 安裝檔來安裝,因此我們不會在已安裝軟體列表中看到它們,每次要執行的時候,都得在它們的執行檔上點右鍵,再選擇使用 wine 來執行。

這麼常用到的軟體,如果每次都要這樣開實在是非常的麻煩,其實我們可以使用自訂捷徑的方式,將這些非常規的軟體放入 app 列表中,如此一來就會像我們平常在開 native 的程式一樣簡單許多。

首先,在網路上找該軟體的 PNG icon,例如我想要做 foobar2000 與 mp3tag 的捷徑,就去網站上找這兩個軟體的圖示,外型可以隨自己的喜好,但最好是 PNG 檔,下載後請固定放在一個地方,本例的存放位置為 ~/.icons

~/.local/share/applications 目錄底下新增一個捷徑檔,本例為 foobar2000

sudo vim ~/.local/share/applications/foobar2000.desktop
# 在 /usr/share/applications 或 ~/Desktop 建立似乎也可以


[Desktop Entry]
Exec=wine /media/Linux/Application/foobar2000_v1.3.15/foobar2000.exe
  • Name:軟體名稱,這個名稱會是之後在軟體列表裡所看到的名字
  • Exec:軟體的執行方式,上面的例子表示,使用 wine 來執行 foobar 的執行檔
  • Icon:軟體的圖示,後面接圖示的路徑即可
  • Type:該物件屬於 Application
  • Categories:該程式的分類,這個分類似乎是有一個固定規範的,不是隨便亂取就可以,app 列表可能會依照這個來歸類這個軟體

存檔離開後,就可以在 App 列表中找到我們自訂的軟體捷徑了

使用快速開啟 app 的程式如:albert 之類的也可以看得到自訂的捷徑

有關 Categories 的類型,可以參考下面網址,不過就我自己的經驗,使用 Main Categories 就夠了,不用細分到 Additional Categories


Main Categories

By including one of the Main Categories in an application’s desktop entry file, the application will be ensured that it will show up in a section of the application menu dedicated to this category. If multiple Main Categories are included in a single desktop entry file, the entry may appear more than once in the menu.

Category-based menus based on the Main Categories listed in this specification do not provide a complete ontology for all available applications. Category-based menu implementations SHOULD therefore provide a “catch-all” submenu for applications that cannot be appropriately placed elsewhere.

The table below lists all Main Categories.

Main Category Description Notes
AudioVideo Application for presenting, creating, or processing multimedia (audio/video)
Audio An audio application Desktop entry must include AudioVideo as well
Video A video application Desktop entry must include AudioVideo as well
Development An application for development
Education Educational software
Game A game
Graphics Application for viewing, creating, or processing graphics
Network Network application such as a web browser
Office An office type application
Science Scientific software
Settings Settings applications Entries may appear in a separate menu or as part of a “Control Center”
System System application, “System Tools” such as say a log viewer or network monitor
Utility Small utility application, “Accessories”

Additional Categories

The Related Categories column lists one or more categories that are suggested to be used in conjunction with the Additional Category. If the Related Categories column is blank, the Additional Category can be used with any Main Category.

The table below describes Additional Categories.

Additional Category Description Related Categories
Building A tool to build applications Development
Debugger A tool to debug applications Development
IDE IDE application Development
GUIDesigner A GUI designer application Development
Profiling A profiling tool Development
RevisionControl Applications like cvs or subversion Development
Translation A translation tool Development
Calendar Calendar application Office
ContactManagement E.g. an address book Office
Database Application to manage a database Office or Development or AudioVideo
Dictionary A dictionary Office or TextTools
Chart Chart application Office
Email Email application Office or Network
Finance Application to manage your finance Office
FlowChart A flowchart application Office
PDA Tool to manage your PDA Office
ProjectManagement Project management application Office or Development
Presentation Presentation software Office
Spreadsheet A spreadsheet Office
WordProcessor A word processor Office
2DGraphics 2D based graphical application Graphics
VectorGraphics Application for viewing, creating, or processing vector graphics Graphics;2DGraphics
RasterGraphics Application for viewing, creating, or processing raster (bitmap) graphics Graphics;2DGraphics
3DGraphics Application for viewing, creating, or processing 3-D graphics Graphics
Scanning Tool to scan a file/text Graphics
OCR Optical character recognition application Graphics;Scanning
Photography Camera tools, etc. Graphics or Office
Publishing Desktop Publishing applications and Color Management tools Graphics or Office
Viewer Tool to view e.g. a graphic or pdf file Graphics or Office
TextTools A text tool utility Utility
DesktopSettings Configuration tool for the GUI Settings
HardwareSettings A tool to manage hardware components, like sound cards, video cards or printers Settings
Printing A tool to manage printers HardwareSettings;Settings
PackageManager A package manager application Settings
Dialup A dial-up program Network
InstantMessaging An instant messaging client Network
Chat A chat client Network
IRCClient An IRC client Network
Feed RSS, podcast and other subscription based contents Network
FileTransfer Tools like FTP or P2P programs Network
HamRadio HAM radio software Network or Audio
News A news reader or a news ticker Network
P2P A P2P program Network
RemoteAccess A tool to remotely manage your PC Network
Telephony Telephony via PC Network
TelephonyTools Telephony tools, to dial a number, manage PBX, … Utility
VideoConference Video Conference software Network
WebBrowser A web browser Network
WebDevelopment A tool for web developers Network or Development
Midi An app related to MIDI AudioVideo;Audio
Mixer Just a mixer AudioVideo;Audio
Sequencer A sequencer AudioVideo;Audio
Tuner A tuner AudioVideo;Audio
TV A TV application AudioVideo;Video
AudioVideoEditing Application to edit audio/video files Audio or Video or AudioVideo
Player Application to play audio/video files Audio or Video or AudioVideo
Recorder Application to record audio/video files Audio or Video or AudioVideo
DiscBurning Application to burn a disc AudioVideo
ActionGame An action game Game
AdventureGame Adventure style game Game
ArcadeGame Arcade style game Game
BoardGame A board game Game
BlocksGame Falling blocks game Game
CardGame A card game Game
KidsGame A game for kids Game
LogicGame Logic games like puzzles, etc Game
RolePlaying A role playing game Game
Shooter A shooter game Game
Simulation A simulation game Game
SportsGame A sports game Game
StrategyGame A strategy game Game
Art Software to teach arts Education or Science
Construction Education or Science
Music Musical software AudioVideo or Education
Languages Software to learn foreign languages Education or Science
ArtificialIntelligence Artificial Intelligence software Education or Science
Astronomy Astronomy software Education or Science
Biology Biology software Education or Science
Chemistry Chemistry software Education or Science
ComputerScience ComputerSience software Education or Science
DataVisualization Data visualization software Education or Science
Economy Economy software Education or Science
Electricity Electricity software Education or Science
Geography Geography software Education or Science
Geology Geology software Education or Science
Geoscience Geoscience software, GIS Education or Science
History History software Education or Science
Humanities Software for philosophy, psychology and other humanities Education or Science
ImageProcessing Image Processing software Education or Science
Literature Literature software Education or Science
Maps Sofware for viewing maps, navigation, mapping, GPS Education or Science or Utility
Math Math software Education or Science
NumericalAnalysis Numerical analysis software Education;Math or Science;Math
MedicalSoftware Medical software Education or Science
Physics Physics software Education or Science
Robotics Robotics software Education or Science
Spirituality Religious and spiritual software, theology Education or Science or Utility
Sports Sports software Education or Science
ParallelComputing Parallel computing software Education;ComputerScience or Science;ComputerScience
Amusement A simple amusement
Archiving A tool to archive/backup data Utility
Compression A tool to manage compressed data/archives Utility;Archiving
Electronics Electronics software, e.g. a circuit designer
Emulator Emulator of another platform, such as a DOS emulator System or Game
Engineering Engineering software, e.g. CAD programs
FileTools A file tool utility Utility or System
FileManager A file manager System;FileTools
TerminalEmulator A terminal emulator application System
Filesystem A file system tool System
Monitor Monitor application/applet that monitors some resource or activity System or Network
Security A security tool Settings or System
Accessibility Accessibility Settings or Utility
Calculator A calculator Utility
Clock A clock application/applet Utility
TextEditor A text editor Utility
Documentation Help or documentation
Adult Application handles adult or explicit material
Core Important application, core to the desktop such as a file manager or a help browser
KDE Application based on KDE libraries QT
GNOME Application based on GNOME libraries GTK
XFCE Application based on XFCE libraries GTK
GTK Application based on GTK+ libraries
Qt Application based on Qt libraries
Motif Application based on Motif libraries
Java Application based on Java GUI libraries, such as AWT or Swing
ConsoleOnly Application that only works inside a terminal (text-based or command line application)
wade Written by:
